· Samer Akkach

Studio critic,  lecturer and coordinator

More details … http://www.architecture.adelaide.edu.au/camea/members.htm

· Müge Akkar Ercan

Studio critic and coordinator

More details … http://www.crp.metu.edu.tr/Staff/akkar.htm

· Aydan Balamir

Studio critic

More details … http://archweb.metu.edu.tr/people/assocprof.html

· Baykan Günay

Studio critic and lecturer

More details ... http://www.crp.metu.edu.tr/Staff/gunay.htm





· Berin Gür

Studio critic

More details … http://archweb.metu.edu.tr/people/asstprof.html

· Çağatay Keskinok

Studio critic

More details … http://www.crp.metu.edu.tr/Staff/keskinok.htm


· Ali Uzay Peker


More details … http://archweb.metu.edu.tr/people/assocprof.html

· Suna Güven


More details … http://archweb.metu.edu.tr/people/professors.html

Urban Exchange Studio ‘08

Middle East Technical University, Turkey ■■■ The University of Adelaide, Australia


· Erhan Acar

Studio critic and lecturer

More details … http://www.crp.metu.edu.tr/Staff/acar.htm




· Ömür Bakırer


More details … http://archweb.metu.edu.tr/people/parttime.html



University of Adelaide































































































































































Once upon a time there was a girl called Annette Pogas who dreamed of being an Architect. She was twenty-one years old and generally pretty happy. The things that made her the most happy were travelling, discovering new things and buying new pairs of shoes to add to her ever growing collection.

Annette Pagos     ARCH student

Jojo was a girl who thought she was a superhero,

But she knew it wouldn’t last.

Jojo left her home in Adelaide, Australia,

For her weekly flying class.


Jojo is in awe of other superheros

Captain Planet and Batman

Jojo thinks the planet is a very precious resource

And that’s why she is making her stand.


Get back Jojo, Get back!

Get back to your one horse town

Johanna Picton    ARCH/LARCH student

I live in the Adelaide Hills and love having a big backyard. Badminton is my favourite sport although it often leads to a dislocated shoulder, yet for some reason I continue to play. I have an addiction to plaid jackets and chocolate. Also I have a pet goat.

Eleanor Hardy      ARCH student

If architecture didn’t take up so much time I would have more injuries from skateboarding and BMX riding. I love skateboard parks and making things. Building jump ramps was the start of my designing days. I’m also into Designer toys Graffiti and r r r  robots. http://willyharbs.googlepages.com/

William Harbison                 ARCH student

I'm completely infatuated with the following: Colour, Earth, Plants, Architecture, Words, Human emotions and Faces. Moving from house to house as a child taught me a lot about how people adapt to architecture, and how they choose to manipulate their surroundings. And I also love wine.

Sarie Tardif           ARCH/LARCH student

An explorer by nature, intrigued by new places, experiences and how things work, also enjoys sharing practical knowledge and skills with others. A quiet guy who appreciates time to himself, yet values quality time spent with others.  A man of strong values, yet maintains a lighthearted approach to all situations.

Mark Watts            ARCH student

Nicole unlocks hearts with old fashioned keys. She ponders and poses and sometime composes the lands on which we run free. She is a cookie eating bandit who makes a mean martini and is talented at henna tattooing.

Nicole Albertson                   LARCH student

Some may describe me as uptight, some may describe me as small, but really, I’m a laid back, big guy trapped in small man body. Always the optimist, I believe university is about having a good time, meeting new people and not studying too hard.

Ben McPherson   ARCH student

Born in Sydney, lived in Adelaide since 2003 and have been studying at Adelaide Uni.

Still miss home, but making the best of what is on offer here. I am very excited about the overseas Studio to Turkey. I spend my spare time playing 2 soccer; otherwise I am procrastinating or doing my work.

Manuel Thomas   ARCH student

Miss Kate.  Highly enthusiastic and ridiculously impatient.  In need of caffeine.  Will suffer for her art.  Incessant quotations from Scrubs.  Seriously.  I like pale.  Passionate about the things I care about.  Cherries and heavy metal and fashion… Oh my.  “Where the hell is my chiffon?”  *gets distracted*

Miss Kate Aikins                   ARCH student

I’m happy, friendly and hardworking – I’m legally blonde doing Architecture. Things that make me smile are the beach, shopping, exercise and endless summers – I’m so excited to be skipping winter in Adelaide and combining all of my favourite things! You’ll never find me without tic-tacs and a bottle of water.

Sally Cashen        ARCH student

Emma Korte is passionate about fashion and design; and has a great love for dance and all things Disney. She is resourceful, meticulous and appreciates simplicity and clarity; although can’t seem to find it amongst all the clutter. She is determined to succeed and is actively working towards her happily-ever-after ending.

Emma Korte          ARCH student

Erin Welsh is a hippy at heart. She doesn’t like her last name because it’s always at the end of things in alphabetical order. She loves Architecture and photographs of things. She also wants to master architectural handwriting and loves random road trips. She has been to Japan twice. Lucky chicken!

Erin Welsh             ARCH/LARCH student

Hobbies: gardening, drinking, and eating nice food and creative writing.

Home: with two housemates Ben and Michael

Dog: called tiger

Passion: to discover new foods (Dennis 2008)

Reference: Dennis A. 2008. A Brief essay on dan. Unpublished Literature. University of Adelaide. Australia.

Daniel Hidvegi      ARCH/LARCH student

I am learning to ride a uni cycle. I play the cowbells in a band. Design gets me out of bed.  I would like to cross the atlas mountains riding a donkey.

Jess Miley             ARCH/LARCH student

About me: Girl, medium sized, blonde hair. For a job I build straw-bale houses.

Interests: people, design, surf life saving, gardening

Likes: landscapes, exploring, cheese, books, fun, colour, peppermint tea, laughing, swimming in the sea, novelty sized food items.

Dislikes: pretension.

Aylwen Dennis     ARCH/LARCH student

I grew up in the Adelaide Hills and for the last four years have been studying Architecture at Adelaide Uni, and after wrestling with the course the first few years, I’m really beginning to enjoy and understand the profession. Looking forward to the Turkey studio. See you there.

Kurt Mahlburg      ARCH student

Yo. Richard Le Messurier is my name, a name passed down from my grandfather. I look forward to finding a guitar in Turkey and playing it in the streets. I also look forward to clinking glasses with locals in a cosy bar in Istanbul and to working with many interesting people. For me the trip will be a creative inspiration that I can take home and share with my friends.

Richard LeMessurier          ARCH student

Salam! My name is Sally and I’m 22 years old from Adelaide, Australia. I enjoy going to the central markets for dinner on a Friday night, going to the beach, and listening to live music. Here I am pictured at Womadelaide, an amazing annual music event held in the Adelaide parklands. My favourite band at the moment is The Stars. I look forward to meeting you all in Turkey!

Sally Craven         LARCH student

Studying architecture has made me believe it is art and reason combined.

Other things which make me crazy are new food, drawing by day and night, thunderstorms, art and my adorable dog! Cannot wait to meet and be creative with you all in Turkey!!

Cheryl Ley             ARCH student

Live on a Farm; Study Architecture.

Enjoy surfing, rock climbing, soccer, and all other sports.

So if any would take me climbing that would be awesome, considering you don’t have surf. Looking forward to spending time in Turkey, I love travelling to new places.

Gabriel Ash           ARCH student

Hey all.  Cecilia here.  A few words to describe myself... forgetful, optimistic, easy-going and impulsive.  My brain to mouth function is somewhat impaired and this is often gets me in trouble.  I have a lot of hobbies which include, fishing, camping, jewellery making, glass bead making, sewing, cooking, billiards, table tennis, movies, music and lazing around.  I don’t like to get bored.  Can’t wait to escape from little Adelaide and meet some new people.  See you soon.

Cecilia Tang          ARCH student

I've been studying Ulus region for the last one and a half year in three different studio courses, that's why I'was interested in this project. I like wandering around with nothing to do in special. I carry my camera to wherever I go and love to capture decayed urban scenes. Looking forward to the workshop, see you...

Yiğit Acar               4th-year ARCH student

Middle East Technical University

A creative and outgoing person with a diverse range of interests. Loves animals and addicted to horses. Does yoga to relax her mind and body. Interested in learning different cultures. Likes to work in urban scale especially at sites within an urban context.

Canan Albayrak   4th-year ARCH student

I am Mesut Dinler. I like art.

Mesut Dinler         3rd-year ARCH student

I just realized that one of the things that I mostly dislike turned out to be: writing biographies:). This may come due to the fact that I am a little inconsistent about my preferences.  I am intrigued by creative work in whichever medium in which it is possible. See you all soon!

Besmira Dyca       2nd-year CRP student

I like the way architecture intermingles with many other things. The possibility of new dimensions opening up seems very appealing to me.  I also love and hate dealing with things that keep getting transformed, movies, music (but who doesn’t :) ) Hope the design workshop will be pleasing and enjoyable to all!

Rashela Dyca       4th-year ARCH student

I’ve always dreamt about designing new things with my own ideas. I like to give my whole time to design and architecture but except from these; I also like dealing with other activities like dancing and playing flute. The reason is that in my opinion these all give me the chance to enhance my vision not only about the design but also about life.

Emre Erdoğan      3rd-year ARCH student

As an architecture student drawings, sketches, and models are the ways to express myself. Other than these, I like dancing, playing sports, and writing. Last semester I joined a workshop about lost spaces and urban transformation. I really enjoyed it so I'm looking forward to being in the Urban Exchange Studio.

Sabiha Göloğlu    3rd-year ARCH student

Aslıhan Günhan   4th-year ARCH student, doing minor programme in CRP

After having minor courses in the department of city and regional planning, architectural design regarding the urban inputs and contextual background had become the field that I want to study during the post-graduate years. I participated in the “Hasanoğlan Village Institute Revitalization Concept Project Competition” organized by the chamber of architects.  I am interested in photography and ceramic, as well as couple dancing. UES 08 will be a very creative experience I believe.

Esra Alkım Karaağaç          3rd-year CRP student, doing minor programme in sociology 

I’m a student in  City and Regional Planning Department–METU who wants to study on sociological aspects of Urban Design in the future. I am interested in performing arts, mainly theatre. Absurdity on the stage and wine in the bottle both excite me.

 insomnia, sketch, alcohol, music and inspirations... See you in the studio!

Bora Karabalık     4th-year CRP student , doing minor programme in architecture

A hedonist. Hates the distinction between the work and leisure time. Romantic about his studies . A keen urban walker. Likes being mesmerized by hidden miracles. Enjoys being alone and can’t help being a melancholic. Sticks to his childhood memories, prefers a less digitized world, quite an old fashioned guy in that sense.

H. Murat Karamustafa        4th-year ARCH student

I’m 24 years old. My hobbies are sports (mostly basketball ) watching movies and listening & playing music. We have a band called ‘1bolu2’ and I’m playing drums ( i also attempted to learn guitar, piano, and flute which are failure). As a student I’m planning to apply to City and Regional Planning after I graduate from our department.

Deniz Kimyon       3rd-year CRP student, doing minor programme in GIS

Deniz (Everybody calls her KİMYON) grows up with an energetic architect - her daddy- and inspired a lot. However she wasn’t aware of the importance of the relationship between space and social life in her town. She enlightened in METU and she tries to create living spaces. Here she interested in urban design, urban politics & urban renewal. What's more? She likes cooking, dancing, traveling and photography.

Müge Kruşa          3rd-year ARCH student 

Since 2005, I’m an architectural student at METU.  Arcihtecture takes all my time as a result it becomes my hobby.  Today’s global circumstances influenced me on the field of ecological and sustainable architecture. Also I worked with this ecological issue through out last summer. I’m looking forward to meet other half of the world.

Özgün Özçakır     3rd-year ARCH student 

Ozgun has started his architectural education in 2005. Since then, he is interested in bioclimatic architecture, sustainable design, history of architecture, and architectural criticism. Recently, as a result of the sculpture course that he takes, Ozgun`s interest for sculpture increases. Ozgun likes listening jazz. Moreover, he is Independent Editor at Arkitera Architecture Center.

Bilge Serin            Bach. CRP, MSc student of Urban Design 

I moved to Ankara for education 9 years ago, since then I’be been living in Ankara. I like travelling new places, Japanese anime and manga, Asian food, rock and metal music, I am also interested in digital photography, digital design, graphic design, and architecture. I have a hamster with no name.

Ceyda Sungur      3rd-year CRP student

Since her parents had to move a lot, the little Ceyda thought that when they moved to a new city, people started to live in there. Now Ceyda knows this is not quite the fact about cities, but she's still the little dreamy girl, learning new ways of bringing cities to life. While urban design, history and urban politics are among her professional interests; public art, stage & lighting design and contemporary dance are her sources of inspiration

Deniz Üstoğlu       3rd-year ARCH student 

I like travelling and this is one of the reasons why I like architecture. I’m interested in archaeology and history. Maybe that’s why I found architectural restoration interesting. Understanding of urban planning is very important in my education. I’m a contemporary dancer. I and my friends organize an international contemprorary dance festival at METU every year. I also like reading, especially books on current events but I never find enough time to read enough because of the lessons. And last, I’m very much interested in photography and would like to be a good photographer in the future.

Özlem Yalçınkaya                4th-year CRP student 

She's a moonchild, dreaming in the shadow of the willow, playing hide and seek with the ghosts of dawn... she's a moonchild; passionate about dreaming. Design, cinema, photography, traveling, animation, music...  are what she call "real spices" in her life. Besides these she is enthusiastic about human behaviors and sociology as she's a bit strange to homo-sapiens.

Abdulsamad Waheed         3rd-year ARCH student 

Born in 11th june 1986 in Karachi, Pakistan. At first I really did not know what I was getting into when I selected architecture for this university but now I am glad that I did. I realize that architecture is something that people will need throughout their lives especially the people in my country. So I really want to use the knowledge that I have acquired here and use it to change a lot of things architecturally in Pakistan and use it as a tool to better peoples' lives there. I am now especially interested in low cost housing architecture as people in my country are poor and do not have the basic facilities that everyone should have to survive. By providing them with a sound roof to live under I think I can help the people in my country. After I graduate I would love to work somewhere in Europe because I am really interested in the way European architectural firms work and think and understand architecture and I want to understand what it is that gives them the opportunity to create new and innovative architecture. Architecture has now become a really important part of my life and hopefully through courses like these I can further my knowledge.


Architecture student, hoping to obtain his bachelor degree in June 2008 from the METU, where he concentrates on architectural/urban design and history and theory of architecture. He has done three international workshops before and likes to meet new people and design. He enjoys art and long walks in Ankara.

Caner Öktem        4th-year ARCH student

Copyright © 2008 Middle East Technical University. All rights reserved.

Designed by M. Akkar Ercan, 2008

Hanaw Amin         Bach. ARCH, MSc student of Urban Design

Student assistants

· Amina Rezoug     BArch


· İrem Uslu               BArch, March Student


· Georgeena Hefteh