Requirements for METU applicants


¨               Cirriculum vitae or resume

Please be sure to include a copy of student transcript, name and email adress of an academic staff member who could provide a reference for you, your contact info (email adress, home or mobile phone number), and a recent document showing your level of English language (TOEFL, IELTS, METU proficiency exam, KPDS, UDS) – the latest is not compulsory but preferable.


¨               Personal statement (maximum 750 words)

Why do you want to participate in UES 08? Describe any special experience/interest you fell you would bring to it.


¨               Selected examples from portfolio

Two to four A4 sheets or letter format; select as you feel will best describe your suitability for the studio. This may be design or creative work.


Deadline: Friday April 18, 2008



Assist. Prof. Dr. Müge Akkar Ercan (

Assist. Prof. Dr. Berin Gür (


You can submit the application requirements for UES ‘08 to Þehir ve Bölge Planlama Sekreterliði, referring to Müge Akkar Ercan


Copyright © 2008 Middle East Technical University. All rights reserved.

Designed by M. Akkar Ercan, 2008

Urban Exchange Studio ‘08

Middle East Technical University, Turkey ■■■ The University of Adelaide, Australia