Urban Exchange Studio ‘08

Middle East Technical University, Turkey ■■■ The University of Adelaide, Australia

Post-studio publication




This is the first collaborative teaching venture The Centre for Asian and Middle Eastern Architecture (CAMEA) undertakes within its cross-cultural teaching program. In this new exercise staff and students involved, from both collaborating institutions, will be exploring new ideas, new horizons of design thinking, new methods of teaching, and new ways of interactions and exchange at the personal, cultural and spatiao-urban levels.


CAMEA would, therefore, like to document Urban Exchange Studio 08—its program, activities, and outcomes—in a post-studio publication. The main purposes of the publication are to publicise the event, to show its academic rigour, to promote the cross-cultural approach to design thinking, and to celebrate the collaboration with Middle East Technical University.


The publication will also be a medium for staff to discuss their creative approaches to design teaching in an interdisciplinary, cross-cultural context, and for the students to showcase their talents and imaginative design learning skills. The publication will be coordinated and edited by Associate Professor Samer Akkach and will include the following:


1. Introduction: vision and educational objectives


2. Profile of all staff involved


3. Description of the studio: projects, context, structure, theoretical framing, review process, and assessment strategies.


4. Individual contributions from all staff involved (500-1000 words) on various historical and/or theoretical aspects related to the studio and the design project.


5. Selected samples of student texts and designs.


6. Profile of students involved.


7. Students' and staff's reflections on their experiences.



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Designed by M. Akkar Ercan, 2008